PhD projects
Federico Zadra, Topics in contact Hamiltonian systems analytical and numerical perspectives (2019-2023) [thesis]
- Dijs de Neeling, Persistence of integrability in relativistic n-centre Kepler problems (2020-2024) [thesis]
- Martijn Kluitenberg, Spectral aspects of magnetic fields via sub-Riemannian geometry (2021-2025)
- Robbert Scholtens, Can you hear the shape of the universe? (2022-2026)
- G. De Nittis, M. Lein, C. Rojas-Molina, M. Seri: Learning from insulators: New trends in the study of conductivity of metals. J. Math. Phys. 65, 100401 (2024) [link] – editorial for the omonimous issue of J. Math. Phys..
- D. de Neeling, D. Roest, M. Seri, H. Waalkens: Bertrand's Theorem and the Double Copy of Relativistic Field Theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024, 216 (2024) [link]
- D. de Neeling, D. Roest, M. Seri, H. Waalkens. Extremal Black Holes as Relativistic Systems with Kepler Dynamics. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 2 (2024) [link]
- F. Zadra, A. Bravetti, A. A. García-Chung, M. Seri: The flow method for the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula: exact results.
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56 385206 (2023) [link]
- M. Kluitenberg, D. Roest, M. Seri: Chaotic light scattering around extremal black holes.
Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana (2023) [link]
- F. Zadra, A. Bravetti, M. Seri: Geometric numerical integration of Liénard systems via a contact Hamiltonian approach.
Mathematics 2021, 9(16), 1960 (2021) [link]
- A. Bravetti, M. Seri, F. Zadra: New directions for contact integrators.
In: Nielsen F., Barbaresco F. (eds) Geometric Science of Information. GSI 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12829. Springer. [link]
- A. Bravetti, M. Seri, M. Vermeeren, and F. Zadra: Numerical integration in celestial mechanics: a case for contact geometry.
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 132 (2020) [link]
- M. Seri, and T.-C. Kao: OwlDE: making ODEs first-class Owl citizens.
Journal of Open Source Software, 4(44) (2019) 1812 [link]
- M. Vermeeren, A. Bravetti, M. Seri: Contact variational integrators.
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 (2019) 445206 [link]
- D. Prandi, L. Rizzi, and M. Seri: A sub-Riemannian Santaló formula with applications to isoperimetric inequalities and first Dirichlet eigenvalue of hypoelliptic operators.
J. Differential Geometry 111 (2019) [link]
- D. Prandi, L. Rizzi, and M. Seri: Quantum Confinement On Non-complete Riemannian Manifolds.
Journal of Spectral Theory, Volume 8, Issue 4 (2018) [link]
- A. Knauf, and M. Seri: Symbolic Dynamics of Magnetic Bumps.
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, Issue 4, Vol. 22 (2017) [link]
- M. Seri, A. Knauf, M. Degli Esposti, T. Jecko: Resonances in the Two-Centers Coulomb System.
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 28 (2016) [link]
- M. Levitin, M. Seri: Accumulation of complex eigenvalues of an indefinite Sturm-Liouville operator with a shifted Coulomb potential.
Operators and Matrices, Volume 10, Number 1 (2016) [link]
- U. Boscain, D. Prandi, M. Seri: Spectral analysis and the Ahronov-Bohm effect on certain almost-Riemannian manifolds.
Comm. P.D.E., Issue 1 Vol. 41 (2015) [link]
- M. Seri: The Problem of Two Fixed Centers: Bifurcation Diagram for Positive Energies.
J. Math. Phys. 56, 012902 (2015) [link]
- M. Seri, M. Lenci, M. Degli Esposti, G. Cristadoro: Recurrence and higher ergodic properties for quenched random Lorentz tubes in dimension bigger than two.
J. Stat. Phys. 144 (2011) [link]
- G. Cristadoro, M. Lenci, M. Seri: Recurrence for quenched random Lorentz tubes.
Chaos 20 (2010) [link]
- R. Scholtens, M. Seri, H. Waalkens, R. van de Weygaert: Bianchi's Characterizations: finding the metric frame given its desired Killing vector fields. [arXiv:2408.04938]
- G. De Nittis, M. Lein, M. Seri: A Magnetic Pseudodifferential Calculus for Operator-Valued and Equivariant Operator-Valued Symbols [arXiv:2210.05731]
Also on my
arXiv profile page.
- M. Seri: Hamiltonian mechanics, a brief introduction. In preparation.
- M. Seri: Lectures on Analysis on Manifold. In preparation.
- H. Broer, M. Seri, F. Takens: Oscillations: swings and vibrations from a mathematical viewpoint. Submitted to the editor. [link to current draft]
- M. Seri (ed.): Exploring Haskell - Core concepts. Manning, March 2019 ISBN 978-1617296772 [link]
Other works
- M. Seri: Resonances in the two centers Coulomb system.
PhD Thesis (09.2012) [link - link on ub Erlangen]
- P. Gmeiner, M. Seri: The Classical KAM Theory.
In: Oberwolfach Reports (OWR), vol. 9 (2012) [link]
- P. Gmeiner, M. Seri: Surprising Simple Geometries [link] (talk slides in German: Ueberraschende Geometrie und Fraktale [link]).
Project for the Tag der Mathematik in Erlangen (10.03.2012). Reduced version published by Mathematics in School, vol. 44, no. 3, 2015, pp. 25–30.
- M. Seri, F. Tümel: Poisson Limit Law for Dynamical Systems.
Project for the International Summer School on Dynamical Systems in Göttingen (2011) [link]
- M. Seri: The Boltzmann-Sinai Conjecture, a sketch of the proof.
In: Oberwolfach Reports (OWR), vol. 7 (2010) [link]
- M. Seri: Recurrence of quenched random Lorentz tubes and related questions.
In: Oberwolfach Reports (OWR), vol. 7 (2010) [link]
Still something more
- M. Seri: Analisi spettrale del laplaciano magnetico sulle superfici modulari.
MSc Thesis (2008) [link]
- M. Seri: Appunti sulla Trasformata di Legendre.
Personal notes (2008) [link]
- M. Seri: Sui Numeri.
Project for the exam 'Storia della Matematica' (2008) [link]
- M. Seri: Sugli Insiemi Numerici.
Project for the exam 'Algebra Superiore I' (2008) [link]
- M. Seri: A walk through quantum charged particle in a (constant) magnetic field.
Project for the exam 'Introduzione alle meccaniche superiori' (2007) [link]
- M. Seri, A. Venturini Barazzuol: PSFrac, ovvero “chi ha detto che non si sbircia tra i frattali con gli occhi del Post Script?”.
Project for the exam 'Complementi di informatica' (2006) [link]
- M. Seri: Irrazionali quadratici, frazioni continue e flussi geodetici chiusi sulla superficie modulare.
BSc Thesis (2006) [link]