Teaching 2024/2025
- Hamiltonian Mechanics (master) - period 1a (Lecture Notes and more)
- Analysis - period 1b
- Analysis on Manifolds - period 1b (Lecture Notes)
- Research seminar (DSGMP and Algebra) - periods 1a-1b
Bachelor and master projects
I am happy to supervise theses in spectral geometry, hamiltonian mechanics, symplectic or contact geometry, sub-Riemannian geometry, semiclassical analysis, geometric integration, ergodic theory and mathematical billiards.
Feel free to contact me, especially if you are interested in a project around spectral theory, sub-Riemannian geometry or constructive mathematics (theorem proving in Lean), but I am generally open to discuss possible ideas also outside those subjects.
Former students at RUG
- Brongers, B.: An Exploration of Gauge Theory and the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem (2021) [link]
- Jagoe Brown, M.: Why is it so messy to eat a mille-feuilles? (2022) [link]
- *Koster, O.: An exploration of sub-Riemannian orbifolds (2023) [link]
- Krijgsheld, H.: Travelling through sub-Riemannian spaces: the Chow-Rashevskii theorem and sub-Riemannian geodesics (2022) [link]
- *Krijgsheld, H.: A possible application of Nijenhuis geometry to geodesically equivalent sub-Riemannian metrics (2024) [link]
- Levi, N.: Numerical integration of ODEs with automatic differentiation (2021) [link]
- Pim J.: On Yoshida's Method For Constructing Explicit Symplectic Integrators For Separable Hamiltonian Systems (2019) [link]
- de Pooter, B.: Geodesic Flow of the Modular Surface and Continued Fractions (2019) [link]
- de Ridder, L.: The Ricci flow on two-dimensional almost-Riemannian manifolds (2021) [link]
- Schipper, F.: A mathematical study of crochet (2022) [link]
- *Silvans A.: Complex Dynamics of Magnetic Billiards in a 2-Torus (2023) [link]
- Voronine, F.: Aubry-Mather Theory through Optimal Transportation (2023) [link]
- Xu, H.: The development and proof of Gauss-Bonnet-Chern theorem (2022) [link]
- Zanuttini, A.: An application of the Knauf criteria to determine the existence of abrupt bifurcations to chaos in planar scattering systems (2021) [link]
Double Degree
- Anyszka W.: The Kepler Problem and Its Relation to Extremal Black Holes (2023) [link]
- Aranda Bassegoda C.: Design of continuous envelope surfaces with cylindrical tools [mathematics and computer science] (2024) [link]
- Boutros D.: Mathematical aspects of the Feynman path integral (2020) [link]
- Elsinga B.: An Investigation of the Scarring Phenomenon in the original and first-order PN-corrected Kepler System. (2024) [link]
- Gentile Japiassu, I.: Fano resonances within dark states: two perspectives on coherent population trapping (2020) [link]
- *Kluitenberg, M.: Chaotic scattering in relativistic N-center problems (2021) [link]
- Loedeman J.: The Geometry of Attractors in Inflationary Cosmology (2019) [link]
- Rodenburg, R.: Black Hole Inspirals and the Role of Isotropic Scattering (2022) [link]
- Rotariu, V.: Bohmian insights into mathematical scattering theory (2021) [link]
- Szewczyk, F.: Contact Hamiltonian Neural Networks: Learning dissipative physical systems using inductive biases [mathematics and computer science] (2024) [link]
- Tollington, E.: A gauge theory of shallow water (2023) [link]
- van Voorbergen, R.: On the extension of Lie algebras using double extensions and Lie algebra expansions (2019) [link]
- van Wijk, R.: Dynamical Similarities on FLRW Cosmology (2023) [link]
- Yasaka, K.: Spectral almost-Riemannian geometry and the magnetic Aharonov-Bohm effect (2020) [link]
Note: asterisks denote Master projects.
Past teaching
Teaching 2023/2024
- Spectral Theory (master) - period 1b
- Analysis on Manifolds - period 1b (Lecture Notes)
- Student colloquium - period 2b
- Calculus for Chemistry - period 1a
Partial differential equations (with A. Waters) - period 1a - (Simulations)
- Hamiltonian Mechanics (master) - period 2a (Lecture Notes)
- Linear algebra and multivariable calculus for Chemistry (with P. Kilicer) - period 1b
- Partial differential equations (with A. Waters) - period 1b
- Geometry - period 2b
Previous years, excluding the PhD
Some links are broken. They will be fixed once I rewrite and reorganize this page.